New Song for the Release of the Book, Born to Run 2 

So… crazy story… early in 2022 I was making lunch for my kids like any other day and I get a notification that author, Christopher McDougall, started following me on Instagram. That right there was enough to make my day, but it was soon followed up by a DM and a phone call. Somehow, he and his co-author running coach Eric Orton, had stumbled across my music and were wondering if I’d write a song for Born to Run 2!!

Of course, I was so honored that I didn’t even hesitate. This kind of opportunity doesn’t come along every day!

This song was written for anyone who was inspired by the original Born To Run book and got that feeling mid-run that “Born to Run” applies to me too! It’s the “runner’s high” feeling, that you’re connected to nature, ancient ancestors, and people in the Copper Canyons who you will probably never meet. There is something so delightfully infectious in the idea of being able to run for hours and miles without feeling pain; having the ability to “Run Free.” In today’s modern world that can feel overly complicated, but it’s a beautiful moment when you can get all those variables to align. It doesn’t have to be an elite pace or an ultramarathon distance; it matters to just get out and feel really good.

Check out “I Was Born to Run Too” on:

And of course it’s a written at a consistent 90/180 bpm tempo, perfect for working on a high cadence running stride rate ;)

In addition to the big boost from Chris McDougall & Eric Orton I want to give thanks and credit to those who helped me bring this song together:

Brent Lazo provided all the amazing lead guitar hooks. I (AKA Erin Molloy, songwriter, inventor of Lady Southpaw, vocalist, and impromptu organist) can also be heard on guitar in the overall sound and rhythm of the song, but I want to clearly credit Brent for those fantastic melodic lead lines as well as adding backup vocals. You can also find him playing guitar with the band Men and Whales. Longtime friend and great drummer in the NY area, Dennis Dominick, played drums. You can contact him for gigs on Instagram. Brian Burke was on bass, check out his amazing band, The Local Group in Chicago. Thanks also to Andrew Molloy and Jonathan Jones for additional backup vocals. Terry Radigan helped with the production and final mix. Mastering was provided by Sun Room Mastering and I couldn’t recommend them more!

Cover image for I Was Born to Run Too by Lady Southpaw